Tuesday, 4 March 2014

The Spirit of Elijah

I believe we live in a day in which the church is to go forth in the spirit of Elijah, proclaiming the coming of the Lord, proclaiming the liberty to the captives and healing to the brokenhearted. As preparation is made for the Lord's return, there will be many in this generation whose hearts are turned back not only to their earthly fathers but also to the Heavenly Father. God is the father to the fatherless and a husband to the widow. God is going to and already has been pouring out His grace upon this generation that so desperately needs the Father's love and affirmation. God wants to heal this generation and set them free. This generation knows where they have been and they know the heartache and pain they've experienced. When they come to Christ, they're ready for a radical change. 

This generation is broken and fatherless. Today that’s the rule rather than the exception. Many may even have biological parents but, for all intents and purposes, don’t have parents. There are more spiritual orphans today than ever before in human history. God is releasing the spirit of Elijah upon the earth to heal the wounds of this fatherless generation.

In the last days, the spirit of Elijah will be released upon the earth (Malachi 4:5-6). It is imperative that this very spirit is resting upon the bride of Christ, specifically upon all those called to be Apostolic messengers at the end of the age. Apostolic messengers must have the spirit of Elijah resting upon them. The spirit of Elijah must rest upon forerunners. The spirit of Elijah will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers. The spirit of Elijah will turn 'instructors' into fathers. It will cause fathers to affectionately long for their sons and daughters with the very longing of the Eternal Father. It will cause men of God to throw their mantles on the Elisha generation and impart not only the gospel, but their lives as well. It will release revelation of the Eternal Father. It will heal the wounds of a fatherless generation. It will bring an intimate understanding of the tender heart of the Eternal Father as spiritual fathers reveal His nature. 

Apostolic messengers do not come in the spirit of Elijah alone. The power of Elijah also rests upon them. Apostles must walk the ancient path, the narrow way. They must walk in humility as Jesus walked. They must live in obedience as He lived and love unconditionally as He loved. They must be willing to suffer for Christ's sake for Christ's glory. They must proclaim the Word of the Lord not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power. Apostles are ambassadors of God, authorities of a Kingdom not made with hands, a Kingdom that will never be destroyed, a Kingdom that will consume every other kingdom and stand forever; and when these ambassadors speak they release the power from this Kingdom from whence they came.

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