by: George Kirkpatrick
God has promised to pour out His Double Portion Anointing, the former and latter anointings together after two days.
The prophet Joel declared the Double Portion anointing:
Those who enter the hundred fold realm, the Holy of Holies, will have their Father's name in their foreheads. This is the seal of the living God, Revelation 7:2. Those who enter through the vail receive another anointing. Before Aaron, the High Priest, could enter through the vail:
The Holy of Holies is God's Double Portion realm. In the Outer Court there were two instruments of worship. In the Holy Place there were three instruments of worship. In the Holy Place we operate on the firstfruit anointing which is the earnest or down payment of our inheritance in God. But if we continue on through the Holy Place overcoming realm we will enter the Holy of Holies Double Portion realm were there are six instruments of worship.
The Double Portion Anointing is the anointing Jesus received on the banks of the Jordan River. In God's Word it is called the fullness of the Spirit, the Spirit without measure, and the early and latter rain. When we enter into the Holy of Holies we come into this Double Portion realm.
Elisha also represents the double portion ministry God is raising up to overthrow all wickedness at the end of the age. It was during Jehoram's reign that Elijah was translated off the earth and Elisha received the double portion anointing.
The Elijah ministry is anointing the Elisha ministry, the double portion ministry. God is raising up an army (as Joel's army ) of Elishas who know God's Word and operate their life by it.
Elijah told Elisha if he saw him when he was taken up, he would receive a double portion. You can be assured that Elisha never took his eyes off Elijah. Only those who will never take their eyes off God will receive the Double Portion outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
The Elijah Ministry will bring forth the Double Portion ministry which will be in the earth at the time of Restoration. This ministry will be accomplished by those who, like Elisha, have torn off the old covering, which is the flesh; overcoming the flesh, putting on the Elijah mantle, the Holy Spirit covering, and turning their hearts back to the Father.
We know by reading God's Word Elisha did twice as many miracles as did Elijah's. When we become complete and mature, we, too, as Elisha will receive the double portion outpouring, the early and latter rain, together. The full glory of God will be revealed and we shall see Him face to face for we will be as He is, I John 3:2.
When we enter into our promise land, we can expect a mighty windstorm of the Spirit of God. It will not only fill the house, it will fill the whole earth. This is the promised Double Portion outpouring of the Spirit of God; the Early and the Latter Rain and the Spirit without measure.
The prophet Zechariah spoke of the days directly ahead of us:
The Double Portion Anointing is coming upon all those who are being prepared to receive it. It is then that God's glory will be revealed in His saints. The whole earth is going to witness God's glory upon His saints. Israel witnessed God's glory. Moses recorded:
Through a study of the book of Job, we discover twelve things in Job's life God had to correct before He could pour out His double portion blessing.
The book of Proverbs was written to all young men to bring wisdom into their lives. The All-wise Solomon admonished all the young men, and all who would read:
Many today refuse to accept chastisement from the Lord. When things get a little tough, they begin to confess, "Satan is being mean to me again". They blame satan for their circumstances. Again they need to study the book of Job. When they do they will come to the understanding that satan is a tool in the hand of God to bring His people into a place of blessing. Jesus revealed to John on the Isle of Patmos:
Many are running ahead of God proclaiming they have it all now. We need to ask if they have it all now, why are they not doing the greater works Jesus spoke of? The greater works will be accomplished in the Kingdom Age.
The Early Rain Anointing came on the Day of Pentecost. God's Latter Rain Anointing has been poured out many times in this last century. As we seek God's understanding, the Word declares the cloven tongue anointing and the Latter Rain anointing will soon be poured out together upon the earth. This will be the Double Portion Anointing, the fullness of the Spirit. It was this anointing the Good Samaritan showed us in His reference to pouring in the wine. This Double Portion anointing is what the whole world is waiting for.
Joel foretold the former rain was only poured out moderately. Paul related the Cloven Tongue Anointing (the Early Rain Anointing) as the earnest (down payment) and the firstfruit anointing. But as the prophet Joel foretold, the body will receive the former rain and the latter rain together (the Double Portion Anointing) in the first month, or the beginning of the Kingdom Age.
When the wind from the North blows upon God's people, they will partake of His pleasant fruits, the fruit of the Spirit. These fruits will be manifest in the flesh, by and through the Spirit. This will not be the firstfruit anointing, but the Double Portion Anointing that comes from the throne of God.
Today the Father is bringing His precious fruit to maturity so that He may pour out all His glory, power and authority upon that mature fruit to complete His plan in His original creation.
Much of what Jesus said concerning the Double Portion outpouring of the Holy Spirit has not been understood because man has tried to understand it with his carnal mind. If we are to gain understanding of what Jesus spoke, we must look at it in the light in which it was spoken.
As we read the Word, God speaks of a wonderful time that is coming upon the earth for His kingdom people. Since Jesus left the earth, man has been trying to bring them to pass in the flesh, to bring glory to the flesh, but Jesus' words were Spiritual.
Jesus spoke of the greater work which His kingdom people would do, those whom He has endowed with the Double Portion of His Spirit. Jesus received the Spirit without measure. Those who receive this Double Portion outpouring will do greater works. This day we will see shortly. Jesus speaks of this great people whom He will raise up in the earth at this time.
These are those who hear and are obedient to God's voice. These will be spared the wrath. They will not be taken off the earth, but put in a protected place, like Noah, who went through the flood. God's wrath was all around him but could not touch him.
God's Word is full of His wonderful promises. We need to come into the place in God where we are able to receive these promises. As we see the day of His wrath approaching, we need to follow His Word.
Those who stand afar off from the changes God desires to make in their life will perish in their man-made promise land. They are serving the system that scratches their religious itch. But God has a people who are going all the way with Elijah. These will receive the double portion anointing and will rule and reign with God for the one thousand year millennial reign.
When the Double Portion anointing comes upon the Elisha ministry, they will fulfill all righteousness in the earth. When we overcome the river of death then the double portion anointing will be waiting for us also. Elisha received this baptism, Jesus received this baptism and those who deal with the river of death in their life will also receive the Spirit without measure.
The double portion anointing will empower us to completely overcome our wilderness experience. The double portion anointing will be ours when we overcome the river of death. When the river of death is destroyed then we will become part of the river of life that flows from the throne of God. The beloved John recorded Jesus' words:
The Elisha anointing will come upon those who follow on to know their God. They will know Him, not just know about Him. We may know Him by coming into a personal relationship with Him. These who know their God are going to receive the early and latter rain anointing. That anointing is coming on the third day to the body of Christ. This is the Double Portion Anointing that God is going to pour out on those who overcome the river of death, those who have come out of their wilderness experience victorious in the Kingdom of God. When Elisha requested this anointing Elijah stated:
When Adam sinned he lost His Spiritual covering, God clothed him in skins. God clothed Adam with a beast nature. When Elisha shed his fleshly garment, Elisha regained the Spiritual covering Adam lost. If we are to go all the way with God, we must shed our fleshly garment to regain the Spiritual covering that all mankind has lost because of sin.
God has His anointed voice in the wilderness today preparing those who will receive the Double Portion Ministry of Elisha. Today the Elijah ministry is searching the Father's field for those who are willing to sacrifice all and follow on to know the Lord. The Elijah ministry is ready to pass on its mantle to the Elisha ministry. Those who have never taken their eyes off the Elijah ministry are standing at the river of death, ready to overcome all the old fleshly nature. They are ready for the Elijah ministry to part the waters that they may cross over on dry ground. They are being prepared to receive their double portion anointing of the Spirit. This anointing will be poured out without measure.
God's Word records that the prophet Elijah, who had the first fruits of the Spirit, performed seven miracles. Elisha, who received the double portion anointing, was credited with fourteen miracles. Jesus, who received the Spirit without measure, was credited with twenty-eight miracles, not including His deliverance ministry.
Only those who follow on, totally willing to shed their mantle of flesh, will receive the Double Portion Anointing. When the double portion anointing is poured out upon those who have followed on to their God, then the sons of the prophets (those religious leaders who refuse to change but stand afar off from the river of death) will recognize the anointing they have missed. They will bow at the feet of those who have received this fresh anointing from God.
Those who receive this anointing will go through times of great testing. No testings were recorded in Jesus' life until He received the Spirit without measure on the banks of the Jordan.
The Elijah ministry is in the earth today to restore all things and to prepare a people to receive the Double Portion Anointing in their earth. The prophet Isaiah spoke of the day when God is going to glorify His people with Himself:
God has a new day, a new time, a new anointing for those who are going all the way with Him. Those who are determined to go all the way with God will not turn to the right hand nor the left. They will not stop to see what the old religious system is doing. They will not look to past victories.
Those who are determined to go all the way with God will have dealt with the river of death in their lives. These are those who will restore all things. These are those who have grown tired of God's provision in the wilderness. They are desiring to partake of the old corn in their Promise Land, the corn the ancients have planted, the corn that will produce fruit in their new land on the other side of the Jordan. It takes the old corn to feed our new creation man who is created after righteousness and true holiness.
Christ Jesus is standing at the Jordan River, beckoning all who will come to the river of death to shed the old nature and become part of that new day. The Double Portion anointing is waiting for those who are willing to follow on to know the Lord. Only those who will never take their eyes off Him will overcome victoriously. We can only enter into the Promise Land that God has prepared for us if we keep our eyes on Him.
Jesus overcame the river of death as an example to those who are going to enter into His Kingdom age, those who have heard the anointed voice and prepared the way of the Lord in their life. Jesus informed His people that if they try to save their life they will lose it. If we try to save and maintain our old life, we will lose our new life in Christ. But if we lose our old life, then we will save our new life which is our inheritance in God.
God's anointed voice is proclaiming, "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand". We are admonished seven times in the book of Revelation to hear what the Spirit is saying unto the church. We need to hear, heed and repent if we are going to enter into the Kingdom of God.
God has promised to pour out His Double Portion Anointing, the former and latter anointings together after two days.
- "After two days will He revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come to us as the rain, the latter and former rain unto the earth." Hosea 6: 2-3
The prophet Joel declared the Double Portion anointing:
- "Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month." Joel 2:23
- "Be patent therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until He receive the early and latter rain." James 5:7
Those who enter the hundred fold realm, the Holy of Holies, will have their Father's name in their foreheads. This is the seal of the living God, Revelation 7:2. Those who enter through the vail receive another anointing. Before Aaron, the High Priest, could enter through the vail:
- "Moses poured of the anointing oil upon Aaron's head, and anointed him, to sanctify him." Leviticus 8:12
The Holy of Holies is God's Double Portion realm. In the Outer Court there were two instruments of worship. In the Holy Place there were three instruments of worship. In the Holy Place we operate on the firstfruit anointing which is the earnest or down payment of our inheritance in God. But if we continue on through the Holy Place overcoming realm we will enter the Holy of Holies Double Portion realm were there are six instruments of worship.
The Double Portion Anointing is the anointing Jesus received on the banks of the Jordan River. In God's Word it is called the fullness of the Spirit, the Spirit without measure, and the early and latter rain. When we enter into the Holy of Holies we come into this Double Portion realm.
Elisha also represents the double portion ministry God is raising up to overthrow all wickedness at the end of the age. It was during Jehoram's reign that Elijah was translated off the earth and Elisha received the double portion anointing.
The Elijah ministry is anointing the Elisha ministry, the double portion ministry. God is raising up an army (as Joel's army ) of Elishas who know God's Word and operate their life by it.
Elijah told Elisha if he saw him when he was taken up, he would receive a double portion. You can be assured that Elisha never took his eyes off Elijah. Only those who will never take their eyes off God will receive the Double Portion outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
The Elijah Ministry will bring forth the Double Portion ministry which will be in the earth at the time of Restoration. This ministry will be accomplished by those who, like Elisha, have torn off the old covering, which is the flesh; overcoming the flesh, putting on the Elijah mantle, the Holy Spirit covering, and turning their hearts back to the Father.
We know by reading God's Word Elisha did twice as many miracles as did Elijah's. When we become complete and mature, we, too, as Elisha will receive the double portion outpouring, the early and latter rain, together. The full glory of God will be revealed and we shall see Him face to face for we will be as He is, I John 3:2.
When we enter into our promise land, we can expect a mighty windstorm of the Spirit of God. It will not only fill the house, it will fill the whole earth. This is the promised Double Portion outpouring of the Spirit of God; the Early and the Latter Rain and the Spirit without measure.
The prophet Zechariah spoke of the days directly ahead of us:
- "Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field." Zechariah 10:1
The Double Portion Anointing is coming upon all those who are being prepared to receive it. It is then that God's glory will be revealed in His saints. The whole earth is going to witness God's glory upon His saints. Israel witnessed God's glory. Moses recorded:
- "And it came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the whole congregation of the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and, behold, the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud. Exodus 16:10
Through a study of the book of Job, we discover twelve things in Job's life God had to correct before He could pour out His double portion blessing.
The book of Proverbs was written to all young men to bring wisdom into their lives. The All-wise Solomon admonished all the young men, and all who would read:
- "My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of His correction: For whom the Lord loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom He delighteth." Proverbs 3:11
- "For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth." Hebrews 12:6
- "If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the Father chasteneth not?" Hebrews 12:7
Many today refuse to accept chastisement from the Lord. When things get a little tough, they begin to confess, "Satan is being mean to me again". They blame satan for their circumstances. Again they need to study the book of Job. When they do they will come to the understanding that satan is a tool in the hand of God to bring His people into a place of blessing. Jesus revealed to John on the Isle of Patmos:
- "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son." Revelation 21:7
- "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall He do also; and greater works than these shall He do; because I go unto my Father." John 14:12
- "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until He receive the early and latter rain." James 5:7
Many are running ahead of God proclaiming they have it all now. We need to ask if they have it all now, why are they not doing the greater works Jesus spoke of? The greater works will be accomplished in the Kingdom Age.
The Early Rain Anointing came on the Day of Pentecost. God's Latter Rain Anointing has been poured out many times in this last century. As we seek God's understanding, the Word declares the cloven tongue anointing and the Latter Rain anointing will soon be poured out together upon the earth. This will be the Double Portion Anointing, the fullness of the Spirit. It was this anointing the Good Samaritan showed us in His reference to pouring in the wine. This Double Portion anointing is what the whole world is waiting for.
Joel foretold the former rain was only poured out moderately. Paul related the Cloven Tongue Anointing (the Early Rain Anointing) as the earnest (down payment) and the firstfruit anointing. But as the prophet Joel foretold, the body will receive the former rain and the latter rain together (the Double Portion Anointing) in the first month, or the beginning of the Kingdom Age.
When the wind from the North blows upon God's people, they will partake of His pleasant fruits, the fruit of the Spirit. These fruits will be manifest in the flesh, by and through the Spirit. This will not be the firstfruit anointing, but the Double Portion Anointing that comes from the throne of God.
Today the Father is bringing His precious fruit to maturity so that He may pour out all His glory, power and authority upon that mature fruit to complete His plan in His original creation.
Much of what Jesus said concerning the Double Portion outpouring of the Holy Spirit has not been understood because man has tried to understand it with his carnal mind. If we are to gain understanding of what Jesus spoke, we must look at it in the light in which it was spoken.
- "It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are life." John 6:63
As we read the Word, God speaks of a wonderful time that is coming upon the earth for His kingdom people. Since Jesus left the earth, man has been trying to bring them to pass in the flesh, to bring glory to the flesh, but Jesus' words were Spiritual.
Jesus spoke of the greater work which His kingdom people would do, those whom He has endowed with the Double Portion of His Spirit. Jesus received the Spirit without measure. Those who receive this Double Portion outpouring will do greater works. This day we will see shortly. Jesus speaks of this great people whom He will raise up in the earth at this time.
- "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: not with-standing he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." Matt. 11:11
These are those who hear and are obedient to God's voice. These will be spared the wrath. They will not be taken off the earth, but put in a protected place, like Noah, who went through the flood. God's wrath was all around him but could not touch him.
- "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." Luke 21:36
God's Word is full of His wonderful promises. We need to come into the place in God where we are able to receive these promises. As we see the day of His wrath approaching, we need to follow His Word.
- "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41
Those who stand afar off from the changes God desires to make in their life will perish in their man-made promise land. They are serving the system that scratches their religious itch. But God has a people who are going all the way with Elijah. These will receive the double portion anointing and will rule and reign with God for the one thousand year millennial reign.
When the Double Portion anointing comes upon the Elisha ministry, they will fulfill all righteousness in the earth. When we overcome the river of death then the double portion anointing will be waiting for us also. Elisha received this baptism, Jesus received this baptism and those who deal with the river of death in their life will also receive the Spirit without measure.
The double portion anointing will empower us to completely overcome our wilderness experience. The double portion anointing will be ours when we overcome the river of death. When the river of death is destroyed then we will become part of the river of life that flows from the throne of God. The beloved John recorded Jesus' words:
- "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." John 7:38
The Elisha anointing will come upon those who follow on to know their God. They will know Him, not just know about Him. We may know Him by coming into a personal relationship with Him. These who know their God are going to receive the early and latter rain anointing. That anointing is coming on the third day to the body of Christ. This is the Double Portion Anointing that God is going to pour out on those who overcome the river of death, those who have come out of their wilderness experience victorious in the Kingdom of God. When Elisha requested this anointing Elijah stated:
- "...Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so." II Kings 2:10
When Adam sinned he lost His Spiritual covering, God clothed him in skins. God clothed Adam with a beast nature. When Elisha shed his fleshly garment, Elisha regained the Spiritual covering Adam lost. If we are to go all the way with God, we must shed our fleshly garment to regain the Spiritual covering that all mankind has lost because of sin.
God has His anointed voice in the wilderness today preparing those who will receive the Double Portion Ministry of Elisha. Today the Elijah ministry is searching the Father's field for those who are willing to sacrifice all and follow on to know the Lord. The Elijah ministry is ready to pass on its mantle to the Elisha ministry. Those who have never taken their eyes off the Elijah ministry are standing at the river of death, ready to overcome all the old fleshly nature. They are ready for the Elijah ministry to part the waters that they may cross over on dry ground. They are being prepared to receive their double portion anointing of the Spirit. This anointing will be poured out without measure.
God's Word records that the prophet Elijah, who had the first fruits of the Spirit, performed seven miracles. Elisha, who received the double portion anointing, was credited with fourteen miracles. Jesus, who received the Spirit without measure, was credited with twenty-eight miracles, not including His deliverance ministry.
Only those who follow on, totally willing to shed their mantle of flesh, will receive the Double Portion Anointing. When the double portion anointing is poured out upon those who have followed on to their God, then the sons of the prophets (those religious leaders who refuse to change but stand afar off from the river of death) will recognize the anointing they have missed. They will bow at the feet of those who have received this fresh anointing from God.
Those who receive this anointing will go through times of great testing. No testings were recorded in Jesus' life until He received the Spirit without measure on the banks of the Jordan.
The Elijah ministry is in the earth today to restore all things and to prepare a people to receive the Double Portion Anointing in their earth. The prophet Isaiah spoke of the day when God is going to glorify His people with Himself:
- "Arise, Shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." Isaiah 60:1
- "The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, The city of the Lord, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel." Isaiah 60:14
God has a new day, a new time, a new anointing for those who are going all the way with Him. Those who are determined to go all the way with God will not turn to the right hand nor the left. They will not stop to see what the old religious system is doing. They will not look to past victories.
Those who are determined to go all the way with God will have dealt with the river of death in their lives. These are those who will restore all things. These are those who have grown tired of God's provision in the wilderness. They are desiring to partake of the old corn in their Promise Land, the corn the ancients have planted, the corn that will produce fruit in their new land on the other side of the Jordan. It takes the old corn to feed our new creation man who is created after righteousness and true holiness.
Christ Jesus is standing at the Jordan River, beckoning all who will come to the river of death to shed the old nature and become part of that new day. The Double Portion anointing is waiting for those who are willing to follow on to know the Lord. Only those who will never take their eyes off Him will overcome victoriously. We can only enter into the Promise Land that God has prepared for us if we keep our eyes on Him.
Jesus overcame the river of death as an example to those who are going to enter into His Kingdom age, those who have heard the anointed voice and prepared the way of the Lord in their life. Jesus informed His people that if they try to save their life they will lose it. If we try to save and maintain our old life, we will lose our new life in Christ. But if we lose our old life, then we will save our new life which is our inheritance in God.
God's anointed voice is proclaiming, "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand". We are admonished seven times in the book of Revelation to hear what the Spirit is saying unto the church. We need to hear, heed and repent if we are going to enter into the Kingdom of God.
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