by: George Kirkpatrick
God has promised to pour out His Double Portion Anointing, the former and latter anointings together after two days.
The prophet Joel declared the Double Portion anointing:
Those who enter the hundred fold realm, the Holy of Holies, will have their Father's name in their foreheads. This is the seal of the living God, Revelation 7:2. Those who enter through the vail receive another anointing. Before Aaron, the High Priest, could enter through the vail:
God has promised to pour out His Double Portion Anointing, the former and latter anointings together after two days.
- "After two days will He revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come to us as the rain, the latter and former rain unto the earth." Hosea 6: 2-3
The prophet Joel declared the Double Portion anointing:
- "Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month." Joel 2:23
- "Be patent therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until He receive the early and latter rain." James 5:7
Those who enter the hundred fold realm, the Holy of Holies, will have their Father's name in their foreheads. This is the seal of the living God, Revelation 7:2. Those who enter through the vail receive another anointing. Before Aaron, the High Priest, could enter through the vail:
- "Moses poured of the anointing oil upon Aaron's head, and anointed him, to sanctify him." Leviticus 8:12